Case Studies

See what our clients are saying and how our solutions are driving their success.


How Atolio helped Cribl unlock valuable knowledge and insights across its organisation

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“Atolio has completely leveled the playing field across the whole company. Whether you have been here for years or have just joined, you will always have access to the same information to get up to speed quickly.”

Ledion Bitincka

CTO, Cribl

The Adaptavist Group

Getting answers faster: Atolio helps The Adaptavist Group optimize knowledge discovery across its business

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“Atolio unlocks the knowledge in our organization. By combining relevant search results, and a social graph of who the experts are on particular topics, it not only saves my team valuable time but also connects people across our growing organisation, allowing them to get answers to questions quickly and get a complete picture in one place.”

Jon Mort

CTO, The Adaptavist Group