The Adaptavist Group

Getting answers faster: Atolio helps The Adaptavist Group optimize knowledge discovery across its business


August 26, 2024


In today’s workplace, there’s an app for everything. While this abundance of choice is great, it presents a growing challenge for businesses. Over time, valuable knowledge can become trapped in these apps, making it difficult for team members to get the information they need to do their jobs.

The Adaptavist Group (TAG) partnered with Atolio, a leading workplace search/discovery provider, to address this challenge head-on. The result? Now that TAG has powerful search functionality across its entire business, team members can easily find the information they need, get answers to questions quickly, and always have the complete picture on the topics that matter to them. Instead of hunting down information daily, everything they need is at their fingertips.


The Adaptavist Group

Working time

2 years


Easy retrieval of information from internal databases


92% reduction in finding information


In the last decade, The Adaptavist Group has grown rapidly and now employs more than 1000 people around the globe. As a remote-friendly company, distributed teams and communication are the norm.

A surge in headcount has resulted in an explosion of apps, with many more developed and explored every day. Additionally, with countless Slack channels and emails exchanged on different topics daily, it is crucial that team members can find and share information effortlessly.

Navigating the plethora of productivity apps across the company, including Atlassian,, GitLab, Slack, and others, made it hard for team members to get a complete picture of their work. For example, if they needed to provide a quick update on a project or get up to speed on a topic, gathering information from every source took valuable time and diverted focus from more important work.

The Group’s goal was to find a way to automate the process of gathering data from all the different apps so teams could quickly get the information they needed, including discovering who the subject matter experts are in certain areas.

The top priority was to find a knowledge discovery solution that would be robust enough to meet current needs but also flexible enough to expand capabilities in the future and incorporate the Group’s growing portfolio of apps.

“At The Adaptavist Group, experimentation is in our DNA, so limiting the choice of apps our people can use was never going to be an option. Instead, we wanted to find a way to connect the valuable knowledge across all of our apps, allowing people to search and find everything they need quickly and easily.”

Jon Mort



As one of The Adaptavist Group’s trusted partners, Atolio was a natural choice to power AI-driven search across all company apps. In light of the complex requirements and the multitude of apps and data across the Group, they started with a proof of concept with Atlassian Jira, Confluence, and Slack. This step helped to ensure everything worked well before scaling the solution to all other apps.

The goal from the outset was to create a valuable user experience that would empower team members to find the answers they need faster so they could work smarter and more efficiently. Atolio and The Adaptavist Group collaborated throughout to deliver on this promise.

“Atolio unlocks the knowledge in our organisation. By combining relevant search results, and a social graph of who the experts are on particular topics, it not only saves my team valuable time but also connects people across our growing organisation, allowing them to get answers to questions quickly and get a complete picture in one place.’’

Jon Mort



  • Employees spend 92% less time searching for internal experts, resulting in faster problem-solving and better decision-making.
  • Collaboration and innovation flourish as teams are able to tap into the collective intelligence across the organisation.

With Atolio integrated across all of The Group’s core apps, employees can access a vast knowledge repository to make more informed decisions and stay on top of key projects and topics.

As well as providing a comprehensive view of their work, Atolio allows employees to delve into the details as needed. Additionally, all data remains within The Group’s secure walls, which is crucial to protect all sensitive information. This is especially relevant when applying Large Language Models on top of Atolio, so generative AI can be used even more effectively to answer questions.

As AI is built into the Atolio solution, The Adaptavist Group can expand and scale its search capabilities further as the company grows.

“I now have a consolidated view of project emails, Google Docs, Slack discussions, Jira tickets, and more with Atolio. I can gather insights and updates on any topic within minutes. I used to spend hours tracking stuff down. Gone is the 'where is that document I saved yesterday' problem — now I can find my work instantly.’’

Zbysek MRAZ

Platform SysOps Team Lead

About Atolio

Atolio helps enterprises use Large Language Models (LLMs) to find answers privately and securely. To provide a private enterprise-wide generative AI chat experience for enterprises, the company centralizes all public and permissioned content users can access. From Fortune 50 companies to hyper-growth private companies, the company is trusted by some of the world’s highest-performing organizations.

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About The Adaptavist Group

The Adaptavist Group is a global family of companies with one common goal: to make business work better. They do this by delivering innovative software, tailored solutions, and quality services across some of the world’s most trusted technology ecosystems, including Atlassian, AWS, Slack,, Aha!, GitLab, and many more.